RG Central Locking Tester Full Kit


The Central Locking Tester Full Kit is an all-in-one tool for testing and diagnosing the functionality of central locking systems in vehicles. It includes various probes and adapters for connecting to different types of locking mechanisms, as well as a remote control tester for checking key fob signals. The kit is compact, portable, and easy to use, making it an essential tool for automotive technicians and mechanics. With the Central Locking Tester Full Kit, you can quickly identify any issues with a vehicle’s locking system and perform necessary repairs, saving time and money.

SKU: RG 871 Category:


Parts Included:

1. 398# Tata safari Learing Wire
2. 870# Main Unit
3. 872# Reset Switch
4. 449# Nippon 18 Pin
5. 450# Nippon 24 Pin
6. 1018# Autocop 18 Pin
7. 251# After Market Minda
8. 038# Nippon Single Cupler
9. 124# Crosslink Wheels
10. 077# Xenos 15 Pin
11. 041# Nippon Double Cupler
12. 442# Bolero Minda
13. 086# Blackcat
14. 448# Autocop 24 Pin
15. 332# Tata Safari Dicor, Tata Venture, Tata
Sumo Gold
16. 094# RD Old
17. 043# Autocop 16 Pin
18. 2243# New RD